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When you allow us, access and navigation through the Owner’s Page, https://whereisthedinosaur.com (hereinafter, the Website), owned by State of the Art Trading, SL, (hereinafter, the Owner) is the use and download of own cookies on the terminal equipment (computer, tablet, smartphone …) with which you access and browse the Site, in order to allow and optimize browsing through it, as well as analyze some of your behaviors during navigation, anonymously, and with the sole purpose of improving your experience on our website. We encourage you to read this document carefully in order to inform you in detail about the use of this technology on the Web.
1. What are cookies? </ H3>
Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to the computer or terminal device that navigates the Internet when entering certain pages and / or make use of certain services offered in them, and that allows storing information that can be retrieved later to various purposes.
2. Consent </ h3>
By accessing the Owner’s Page you will be offered certain information about the use of this technology through your device or terminal equipment and we will ask you to grant us your consent for it. Keep in mind that some cookies may be necessary for the operation of the Owner’s Page and, if you deny this consent, access to it may be impeded. At any time you can withdraw your consent to the use of this technology through the functions of your browser , disabling cookies or blocking the possibility of them being downloaded to your device or device. See section “4. Management and deactivation of cookies “of this Cookies Policy to obtain more information about it.
3. Cookies used on the Web </ h3>
For its purpose, the Owner uses the following types of cookies on the Web:
- Personalization cookies: those that allow the Owner’s Page to be adapted to some general pre-established characteristics such as the language, the browser used or the region from which it is accessed. </ li>
- Technical cookies: they serve the task of providing fluidity and comfort while browsing the page, as well as providing it with security. For example, they allow to identify the session of a registered User. </ Li>
- Analysis cookies: they allow obtaining information oriented to the statistical analysis of the use that the Internet Users make of the page. Thus, they allow knowing what search terms the Users used to reach the page. </ Li>
- Advertising cookies: used to manage the advertising spaces on the Web so that each User is offered advertising content in accordance with the content of the page and the frequency of the ads. </ li>
- Behavioral advertising cookies: allow the management of advertising spaces on the page so that each user is offered advertising content according to their browsing habits and preferences. </ li>
</ ol>
Below is information about the cookies used on the Web, classified according to their specific purpose, origin and persistence.Own cookies </ td> </ td>
</ tr>Name </ td> Purpose </ td> Origin </ td> Persistence </ td>
</ tr>_ icl_current_language, _icl_visitor_lang_js </ td> [DEFINE] </ td> https://whereisthedinosaur.com. </ td> Persistent </ td>
</ tr>age-verifier-44055 </ td> Remember data validation </ td> </ td>
</ tr>cdp-cookies-plugin-wp </ td> [DEFINE] </ td>
</ tr>pys_fb_pixel_traffic_source </ td> [DEFINE] </ td>
</ tr>wp_woocommerce_session_898030e5716303dc46f4e37d7d1abf5e </ td> [DEFINE] </ td>
</ tr>wpml_browser_redirect_test, wpml_referer_url </ td> [DEFINE] </ td> Session </ td>
</ tr>cdp-cookies-plugin-wp </ td> [DEFINE] </ td> Persistent </ td>
</ tr>Third-party cookies </ td> </ td>
</ tr>Name </ td> Purpose </ td> Origin </ td> Persistence </ td>
</ tr>guest_id </ td> Recognize whether a user is identified on Twitter or not; in both cases this cookie also allows to obtain information about the user’s browsing habits </ td> . twitter.com </ td> Persistent </ td>
</ tr>